Ordinances & Resolutions


06-13-11 Resolution for Ward Creation, Polling Place, & Combining Wards for Elections

2013-08 Resolution# 08-12-13 Allow Clerk to Sign DNR Grant Form

2013-09 Resolution# 09-09-13 (2) Standard Formating for New Ordinances

2013-09 Resolution# 09-09-13 Records Retention Schedule

2013-11 Resolution# 11-11-13-A Opposition to Senate Bill 349

2013-11 Resolution# 11-11-13-B Support of Bill LRB 1287/2

2014-08 Resolution# 8-2014-A Policy Governing Checks

2014-09 Resolution# 9-2014-A Commitment to Brooklyn Veterans Memorial Parcel

2014-10 Resolution# 10-2014-B To Exceed the Levy by $250,000

2014-11 Resolution of Electors on 11-17-14 to Set the Levy

2015-02 Resolution# 2-9-15-A Employee Work Hours

2015-04 Resolution #4-13-2015 Authorization/Approval to refinance Brooklyn Fire/EMS Building Loan

2015-09 Resolution #9-14-15

2015-10 Resolution# 10-19-15 Propose Exceeding the Levy Limit

2015-12 Resolution# 12-14-15 Appoint Election Officials

2016-11 Resolution # 11-14-2016-A Brooklyn Fire and EMS Amendment A

2016-11 Resolution # 11-14-2016-B Brooklyn Fire and EMS Amendment B

2016-3 Resolution 03-23-2016 Authorization/approval to refinance the Brooklyn Fire/EMS building loan

2016-7 Resolution# 7-11-16 Just Fix It

2016-8 Resolution # 08-30-2016 Authorization to Finance Brooklyn Fire Tender Truck

2016-9 Resolution # 09-12-16 Recycling Grant

2017-02 Resolution # 02-13-2017 Request High Speed Internet Committee

2017-05 Resolution 05-17-17 Obtain a Class B Reserve Liquor License

2017-12 Resolution # 12-11-17A Appoint Election Officials

2017-12 Resolution# 12-11-17 Conditionally authorizing the Town to enter into an Amended and Restated Fire and Emergency Medical Service Agreement (Belleville)

2018 - 1 Resolution # 01-08-2018 Broadband Expansion Grant

2018 - 2 Resolution # 03-12-2018 Adopting the Updated Green County All Hazards Mitigation Plan

2018 05-14-2018A Amending Section 1.6 of Ordinance 2.4 WI Uniform Dwelling Code

2018 07-09 Budget Resolution Authorization/Approval to change the 2018 Budget

Resolution 08-13-2018 Make WI Roads Great Again

2019 Resolution # 10-22-19 A - For Electors to Exceed the Levy Limit

2019 Resolution # 10-22-19 B For Electors to Adopt the Town Tax Levy

2019 Resolution #10-14-19 To Adjust levy limit due to increases in charges assessed by the Brooklyn Fire & EMS Protection District

2019-09 Resolution #09-25-19 To propose Exceeding Levy Limits

2019 Resolution #12-09-19 A - To Appoint Election Workers

2019 Resolution #12-09-19 B - To Amend the 2019 Budget & Exibit X

2020 Resolution #7-27-20 To Allow for Electronic or Virtual Meetings

2020 Resolution #08-10-20 Authorization-Approval to Finance the Purchase of Patrol-Plow Vehicle

2020 Resolution #09-14-20 Authorizing an Adjustment to the Municipal Levy Limit

2020 Resolution #10-12-20 Authorization-Approval to Amend 2020 Budget

2020 Resolution #12-14-20A To Amend the 2020 Budget (and Exhibit X)

2020 Resolution #12-14-20B Authorizing an Increase in Levy due to Increased Fire & EMS charges

Resolution #05-10-21 Designating Public Depository etc

Resolution #06-14-21_A to Change the Budget for Financing Road Constuction

Resolution #06-14-21_B Authorization_Approval to Finance 2021 Road Construction

Resolution #07-12-21_A Authorizing adjustment to municipal levy limit

Resolution #07-12-21_B Authorizing adjustment to municipal levy limit

Resolution #07-12-21_C Authorizing adjustment to municipal levy limit

Resolution #10-11-21 Ward Creation, Designation of Polling Place & Combining Wards

Resolution #12-13-21A to amend the 2021 budget and Exhibit X

Resolution 12-13-21B To appoint Election Officials

Resolution #06-13-22_A Authorizing adjustment to Municipal levy limit - BK fire

Resolution #06-13-22_B Authorizing adjustment to Municipal levy limit - BK EMS

Resolution #06-13-22_C Authorizing adjustment to Municipal levy limit - BME fire & EMS

Resolution #12-12-22 To Amend the 2022 Budget-signed

Resolution #01-09-23 & Exhibit A Budget Summary

Resolution #2023-02 Adopting the Updated Green County Hazard Mitigation Plan

Resolution #2023-03 Authorizing adj to levy-Brooklyn fire

Resolution #2023-04 Authorizing adj to levy-Brooklyn EMS

Resolution #2023-05 Authorizing adj to levy-BME fire

Resolution #2023-06 Authorizing adj to levy-BME EMS

Resolution #2023-07 Proposing to Exceed Levy Limit via Special Town Elector meeting

Resolution #2023-08 Endorsing Town Board's Resolutionto Exceed the Levy Limit

Resolution #2023-09 Adopting a Website Policy.

Resolution #2023-10 & Exhibit A-2024 Adopted Budget summary and amended 2023 Budget-final

Resolution #2023-11 To Appoint Election Officials

Resolution #2024-01, To Amend the 2024 Budget


Chapter 1 - Ordinances associated with: Roads and Buildings


Chapter Ord.# Title Orig. Ord# Date
1 1.1 Private Road Acquistion 03-12-92b 1992
1 1.2 Regulation of Activities on Town of Brooklyn Road Right-of-Way 08/11/2014
1 1.3 Driveway Ordinance 6-19-06 05/14/2018
1 1.4 Speed Reduction Ordinance 2012-1017 05/12/2014
1 1.5 Designation of all Town Roads as Class "B" Highways 09/09/2013
1 1.6 Manure Piping 07/08/2019
1 1.7 Broadband Forward 06/13/2022

Chapter 2 -  Ordinances associated with:  Land Use & Buildings

Chapter Ord.# Title Orig. Ord# Date
2 2.1 Land Divisions 6-7-93 08/08/2016
2 2.2 Comprehensive Plan 12-12-2005 2005
2 2.3 Plan Commission Ordinance 2012-0409-03
2 2.4 Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code 09-11-2000A
2 2.5 Prime Land Preservation 04-13-09
2 2.6 Electrical Code 11/11/2019


Chapter 3 - Ordinances associated with: Recycling & Solid Waste

Chapter Ord.# Title Orig. Ord# Date
3 3.1 Comprehensive Recycling & Solid Waste Disposal 0208-2010


Chapter 4 - Ordinances associated with: Safety and Health

Chapter Ord.# Title Orig. Ord# Date
4 4.1 Disposal of Waste and Recyclables at Town facilities 08-11/2014
4 4.2 Fire Protection Response Fee 11-10-97B 11/19/1997


Chapter 5 - Ordinances associated with: Administrative

Chapter Ord.# Title Orig. Ord# Date
5 5.1 Public Records Retention & Destruction 2013
5 5.2 Ordinance #5.21 Appointment of Citizen Alternates to 2023 Board of Review 05/11/2023
5 5.4 Provisional Operator's License 12/11/2014
5 5.7 Alternate Claims Procedure 2012-0409-5 08/08/2016
5 5.8 Licensees/Permittees Required to Pay Local Taxes, Assessments and Claims 06-11-2007
5 5.9 Issuance of Citations for Violations of Town Ordinances 9-11-2000B
5 5.10 Establishing Split Shifts for Election Officials 2013-0114 2013
5 5.11 Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy 12-18-95 1995
5 5.12 Alcohol Control Ordinance 1-11-2010 2010
5 5.13 Weed Commissioner 03/13/2018
5 5.14 Clerk Appointment 04/10/2018
5 5.21 Ordinance #5.21 The Appointment of Citizen Alternates to the 2023 Board of Review 05/09/2022


Chapter 6 - Ordinances associated with: Miscellaneous Items

Chapter Ord.# Title Orig. Ord# Date
6 6.1 Obligation for Town to Pay Green County Treasurer if Town Treasurer fails 11/10/2014